From where do they know the word?
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Who is “Sato”?
We need to complete the assignment by next Wednesday due to prepare for the model teaching presentation.
The work we did today improved greatly, but I made the worst mistake in the world.
I called one of my friends "Sato", but his name is "Hoshino".
After he went to another class, the other group members asked me why I had called him "Sato".
It was unconscious!!
Of course I know he is "Hoshino" but......well....I was crazy at that time.
Whether he is Hoshino or Sato, he is a very good man.
.......So sorry. m(__)m
And it also says to choose the best answer from the following three explanations.
A) 23歳に必要な大人の経験
(an adult experience which is required of those 23 years old)
B) 23時からのエキサイティングな気分
(an exciting feeling after 23:00)
C) 理想とする一週間の活動量
(23 exercise a week which is said to be ideal for keeping you healthy)
You'll choose, undoubtaly, the answer C because the first two answers are plain jokes. (^□^;)
But can you guess what advertisement this is?
Try to find this ad while you are in the train!!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Lax Discipline
The children looks 3 or 4 years old, so they made much noise when they got on the train.
The mother saw their attitude and said,
"Be quiet, please. And sit down here."
The mother, surprisingly, led them sit on the floor.
Now they are so quiet but sitting on the floor.
Making noise or sitting on the floor......
Aren't both bad manners??( ̄〜 ̄;)
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Nagoya Grampus win first title

Thursday, November 18, 2010
Rikiya's Birthday
And last night after the class, we had a birthday party for him.
He is two years younger than me, but he is much superior in all aspects.
Every student is respect for him.
He is earnest, sincere, wise, good at playing soccer, and has a cool face.
I think he is the elite of the elite.
So I was anxious for his reaction when he received my present.
Here is my present. know, I'm such a man.
Did he catch on to my joke??
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
She's as she wears.
Left Behind?
Is it for anyone waiting for the train?
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Heaven and Hell
Before passing through the entrance gate, we dropped in the exhibition of Official Supporters Club, which shows us the history of Urawa Reds and supporters with some pictures.
Suprisingly I found my friends in one of the old photos.
Probably they were elementary school students, and they came as an event which their local soccer club produced.
I also went to Komaba Stadium at the same age as them.
I'm not a member of OSC but both my friends and I have been fascinated with our passionable soccer team.
We are Reds. (*^o^)/\(^-^*)
Reds vs Sanga
I wish we will win this game!!
Bye later!!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Lay Judge Member
I'm chosen as a member of lay judge.
At first I need to submit a register form to decide whether or not I can do (Of course I do!), and if Saitama District Court assembles, I'll be able to participate in the trial during the next year.
I'm looking forward to doing it!!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
【boy A】
I like airports.
【boy B】
Airports? Why?
【boy A】
Because...well, it's quite different from our daily lives. It seems to be unrealistic. I'm fascinated with that kind of places.
【boy B】
I quite agree with you in that regard.
They were 11 years old or so, and probably going to the zoo as a school event.
They are mature for their age!!!!
Recent children are horribly precocious...( ̄▽ ̄;)
Sunday, November 07, 2010
Bocca della Verita
We went to Bambina Bambino (Italian restaurant) tonight.
At the entrance of the restaurant, I found you-know-what.
"Bocca della Verita (the Mouth of Truth)"
What we have to do when we find this object is to dip our hand into the mouth and pretend that our hand is grabbed by the object.
Of cource I did.
Give me back my hand!!