Most of tourists tend to buy Okinawan foods (such as Chinsukou cookies, Beniimo Tart, and so on) as a souvenir.
But my mother has been to Okinawa many times and she get bored with buying typical souvenirs from Okinawa.
This time she bought them and gave them to me.
① "Aosa" seaweed soup

② Cards with Okinawan Dialects

Every card has a different Okinawan word.
For example, do you know the meaning of "あがっ"?
Some of my friends are Okinawan and they use this word when they bump into another player in basketball practice.
The answer is here.

It means "Ohch!!"......yeah it's interesting.
And the Jokers are Okinawan Habu (a poisonous snake which lives in Okinawa) and Mongoose.

Why is Magoose drawn?
Mangoose didn't live in Okinawa originally, it brought from India in 1910 to exterminate Okinawan Habu.
Okinawa the strange place...(^O^;)
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