Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Farmer's suicide in Fukushima

A cattle farmer in Fukushima killed himself.

The man, in his 50s, reportedly hanged himself in a cattle house.

The daily farmer's suicide message was left on the wall of one of the man's barns.

"原発さえなければ (Wish there were no nuclear power plant)"

Japan's government banned milk shipments from the region in the wake of the nuclear meltdown at the plant.

The man was also forced to kill some of his cows and close his daily business.

I'm sure his endurance had come to an end...

I don't like the phrase "if only there were no something" because it's so nagative.

Things have already happened.

And we should manage to deal with that situation at first.

I believe that successful reconstruction will be led by not something negative but love and hope with much gratitude.

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